Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Sorry. Thanks. I love you.

I've been saying this a lot lately. Mostly to myself. I don't know about you, but I love a good ol' dose of self-sabotage?! Letting myself fall into bad habits - the usual suspects, little sleep, not eating properly, racing through life. So the past month or so, I've been trying real hard to counteract some of that imbalance with my new best friend - yoga! A lovely little space I can create for myself to say Sorry - for not looking after my body as I should, and for all of those negative, nasty comments I sometimes make in my head. To say Thanks - for keeping me well, for getting me through the long days, for giving my heart and my mind a pretty lovely place to live. And to say I love you - probably the most important bit. It's so easy to not love ourselves, right?! I'm not stylish enough, I don't know how to do my hair enough, I don't decorate my house cool-y enough, I'm not cellulite-free enough, I'm not cool enough to wear red lipstick blah, blah, BLAH! So yoga is my tool to help me remember to say Sorry, Thanks and I love you. And it's a real nice change :) In Dunc's words it also help to keep my mood swings "tolerable" HA! God bless that man ;)

As I sit here typing this, Melbourne is turning on a textbook Melbourne day. Four seasons in one day?! Try four seasons in five minutes! I don't mind though, alternating between twinkly, drippy rain combined with the sun poking out for three minutes, then back to black and bleak and horizontal wind. And I'm tucked up cosy as anything indoors with a big warm mug of ginger tea. I suppose I should also fess up and mention the fact that I'm watching A Walk to Remember (!!) that I recorded (!!!!!!!!).

Winter, you're ok by me - for the time being anyway, until I change my mind and wan't to curse you for all of eternity :)

And just while we're talkin', can I take a minute to mention this stinkin' hair?! So looking forward to a change on Saturday cos man, I can only take topknots for another 3, 4 days max.

Happy Tuesday! xx

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