We've finally done it! An inaugural meeting date was set! The book has been chosen! The rules have been established! Book club has arrived!
Bianca and I have been threatening to start a book club for a few months now. I was just so excited to have made a friend who has that kind of devour-y, scribble-in-y kind of affection for books like I do, so you can imagine how my happiness multiplied by like, a squazillion when she suggested we get together and eat food and drink wine and talk about books. Hello heaven!
So, this Tuesday just gone, we met at Bistro K in Fitzroy for a bit of dinner, Bianca cheekily with our first book wrapped in spots as a birthday gift (Just Kids! Patti Smith! This girl knows me oh so well!!), we talked so much the lovely waitresses were getting a little sick of us not ordering... and continually getting sidetracked by talk even after we'd look at each other with every serious intention in the world saying, "OK WHAT ARE WE ORDERING?!"
The food was magnificent (completely recommend it if you're in the mood for some Kimchi (kim-chee) or Kimchi (Kim-chye) depending on your preference), the company was even better (the first meeting of the page-scribblers also included a cameo performance by Bianca's sweet manfriend, Jack. Not as sure he's into the book thing as us. HIS LOSS).
For now, until we meet again, it is the two of us and our copies of Just Kids, marked at page 131 for halfway discussions, waiting for the next delicious meeting. And I know it's early days, but there is a LOT of scribbling going on. I adore this book already. I even felt guilty reading it standing up on the most over-crowded train I have ever been on in my entire life. It's like I wasn't paying her the attention her words deserve, or something. So I put her away. To be picked up again when I am all hers.
Bookworms uniting to use their powers for good instead of nerd. I love it.